Wednesday, January 13, 2016

House Tour

We actually bought this house before we even saw it! Crazy, right? To be honest, we had a hard time deciding if we wanted to live in Kentucky or Oregon.Charlie was stationed at Ft. Campbell and he was going to be getting out in a few months. I was around 20 weeks pregnant with our first at the time. The big question was: Do we stay here? Or move to Oregon? 

In Kentucky you could get a 40 acre farm (with a pond) and a fixer upper house for 150k. You would never see something that cheap in Oregon. You would have to pay 500k for something like that here. We tried to tell ourselves Kentucky would work, but God kept telling us both something different. Every time we would look at houses in KY, we would feel that it wasn't right.  After a few weeks of this and knowing what God wanted us to do, and realizing it was more important to raise our kids around a great family, we decided Oregon was the best place to be. So here we are! 

We first bought this hot mess before we even looked at it. It was amazing deal and we couldn't pass it up. 

                                              Why the blue roof? WHHHHYYY? We are planning on siding this bad boy, putting new windows in and hopefully painting over that blue roof (all da praise hands!!)

This is when we tore the yard up and the kids had the best time making mud messes.
Looking better, huh?

                                             Looking muddy and adorable.
                                             Why wouldn't you dig for gold in this mud mess?
The first time we moved the lawn after laying the hydroseed!

 And this is what she looks like now!
Proudly flying that Kentucky flag.




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