Saturday, January 30, 2016

Encourage one another.

Yesterday was rough, not gonna lie. Charlie left for a three week work trip and we were on day three. When you have a deployment under your belt, a three week work trip doesn't seem as bad. I can call him when I want and I don't have to worry about not hearing from him for three-four days. He's also not getting shot at which helps a lot. Perspective is key. That's what I tell myself at least. 

Buuuuut, it's still rough. Emily is such a daddy's girl. So when he's gone she tends to act out a bit. The other kids love Charlie very much, but Em is obsessed with Daddio (that's what she calls him). The battle raged on for two days and she seemed a lot better by day three. Still testy, but better. The thing with me is that I believe that there is never, EVER, an excuse to whine about anything. You can feel sad, hurt, mad, and all those emotions with out whining. I don't want my kids to have this idea that just because you are going through something sucky, you have an entitlement to whine, feel sorry for yourself, etc. There is someone out there that ALWAYS has it worse than you do. Always. Trying to teach this concept to a kid is not always easy. 

Tucker decided to take this opportunity to display his Goble temper. So I had one kid who was a testy hot mess and the other who was trying to hit every thing in a fit of rage. Que in a thousand questions, a million "MOMMIES!!", lots of tattling, one potty training kid who decided to pee his self, a gazillion time outs, and a pregnant mama who hadn't slept well in three days. We were sitting down for dinner and I was feeling pretty frazzled, y'all. 

I was having those thoughts that all moms get: "Am I being patient enough?" "Am I doing all the things I should be doing as a mom?" etc.

Miriam, my sister-in-law, looked over at me and said the most glorious thing.  "You have been very patient with every thing that has been going on today" (all the praise hands) That was just what I needed. I did not feel like I was on the inside at all. I was feeling overwhelmed, and tired. It's so amazing how someone saying something like that can boost ones mood so much. I'm reminded of these bible verse: 

 " Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11-13

"And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all." 5:14

I was feeling encouraged and not as tired any more. I told the kids we could make baked oatmeal when we got home. We got home and I put Tucker to bed. I want to tell you that this story ends with all of us happily making baked oatmeal, laughing, enjoying ourselves, putting the kids to bed and them peacefully going to sleep. but no. I would be lying and every one knows life with three kids isn't that easy. Emily fell off the chair, Jake started screaming about something, they were both sticking their hands into the oatmeal after being told no. Finally got it in the oven and  put the kids to bed. Emily decided to get out of bed and touch something I specifically told her not to touch, and then preceded to lie about it. 

I say this because I think instead of telling your self how bad today was, it's important to think about the good things. Like your SIL texting you and saying your nephew got put on the heart transplant list (Praise God!), taking a trip to Hobby Lobby with the sisters, getting a new maternity shirt, having my SIL Ruth tell me that she enjoyed hearing mine and Emily's conversation that morning as we brushed our teeth, having a friend that was supposed to leave the next day be able to stay much longer than we all thought, tea parties at 3pm, having people joyfully help you with your kids, having Emily say "I love your baby in your belly!", etc. There were so many good moments that happened yesterday. 

I know that I will probably have another overwhelmed feeling today, but I can trust that God gives me just what I'll need when I need it. 

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8


  1. This was a very encouraging post! I needed to hear this; it's somehow harder to remember to encourage one another than it should be. Thanks for posting!
