Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Shopping when "you got kids"

 Ok, so I normally go to three different stores on a regular shopping trip. I'll go to more stores if I feel brave and I'm ok with getting screamed at by a 14 month old. Monday was not that day because I got kids and I know how it goes. I only say this because: (a) Charlie is gone (b) Because dragging three kids and my pregnant self through three different stores, while missing naps just ain't worth it some days.  Some days I'm all like "Yeaaaah, I'm doing thangs!!" Then you get to the last store of the day and some kid decides to scream bloody murder, while another one decides to be brave and touch something they shouldn't (I'm talking about you Jakey boy!! Hes been doing better), while another one yells "I HAVE TO MAKE POOKIES!!" when you're about half-way through the store and have a bajillion more isles to go down. 

So Miriam, my awesome SIL, came over on Monday for lunch and to hang out. I told her that I needed to go to Winco after the kids naps. I was still hanging out in my yoga pants and tee shirt, so I was looking like a hot mess. Seriously though, yoga pants are ahhh-mazing. They are like every pregnant woman's dream come true. Heck, every non-pregnant girls dream come true. Anyhoo, I was telling her that I didn't really feel like going and that I was on a time crunch. I told my other SIL that I was going to meet her for dinner at 6. At this point it was already 2:30ish. I still needed to get the kids dressed and make myself look presentable. To be honest, I did not want to change out of my yoga pants. But I prevailed and put on leggings and a tunic shirt thingy instead. Still as comfortable. I decided to just do it and I told Miriam I would send her updates as it went. It looked something like this:

There ya have it! We only had one meltdown and that was because I ran over Emily's heel with the cart. Ouch! Poor girl!

 I got back around 5 and had all the groceries put away by 5:30. I call that a success. 


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