Friday, February 19, 2016

Our story: Part 1.

Charlie and I first "talked" when I was 13 and he was 16. He lived in Oregon and I lived all the way across the country in Kentucky. We "met" on the internet. Craziness, I know. We talked for about three months and his parents told him that he needed to stop talking to me because he shouldn't be talking to some random 13 year old girl on the internet (totally understand that now! lol) . We were both really sad when it happened and I wasn't a christian at the time, so I would get on yahoo messenger and tell him he should talk to me. He would ignore me. Y'all did well Muth and Dad. He obeyed!  


A few years went by and I was in my Senior year of high school and I found him on myspace. To be honest, I forgot about him until I saw his name on another persons friends list. I found out later that he didn't forget about me. He would tell people about me and he had been praying for me all these years. Be ready to be swooned ladies!! We were on a walk with the kids a few weeks ago. He looked over at me and said " You know I loved you when I was 16 and I didn't know why. Then we started dating and I figured out all the reasons why I loved you." Swoooooooon. After five years he still gets to me. Enough of that before all you ladies get too jealous haha!

 AnyHOO, I sent him a friend request and he sent me a message saying "Holy cow, Amber Goble, is that really you?" and that started the many weeks of late night chatting on yahoo messenger, long phone calls (one that even sent me to the hospital because I was talking to him so late and getting up so early for school that I got a bad migraine and thought I was dying), and laughing until our cheeks hurt. He was the one and I new it on day three. Now, I'm an optimist. Anyone that knows me would know that. I have all the hope in the world that things will work out. Charlie is a pessimist and he would say he is a pessimist/realist. With that in mind, he thought it would never work out since he was all the way across the country in Ft. Irwin, CA where he was stationed.  I, on the other hand, knew we would get together some how. We were a perfect match. I would tell him that "God would work it all out!". He was getting out of the military at the time and moving back to Oregon so he wanted to keep it a "friends only" thing.  We both new we liked each other........ A LOT. But we really kept it in the "friend zone". 

 My days were spent of me going to school, hurrying home as fast as I could after school so I could hop on yahoo messenger to see if he was online. My whole world pretty much revolved around our friendship. He was so much fun to talk to and we both had the same since of humor. It was so amazing. He went home during Christmas and decided that he wanted to stay in the military. He wanted to reenlist for Fort Campbell, KY. (All the praise hands!!) I was excited. Seeeeeee, my optimism actually worked out for once. He says it had nothing to do with me and that he just really wanted to stay in a few more years since there wasn't any job opportunities in Oregon at the time. Uhhh-huh. I still don't believe that one, buddy. Haha! He called me on Feb 11th and said he would be coming out to Ft. Campbell in June.  I graduated in May and the days couldn't have gone slower until June. He was on his way to see me and he would be here with me in 3 days. 

June 7th was finally here. One of the best days of my life. He called and said he was about 10 minutes away. I had changed my outfit at least a dozen times and decided on some ripped jeans and an orange t-shirt. Casual, but cute. My phone rang and my friend Candice said "Girlfriend, I JUST PASSED CHARLIE ON YOUR ROAD!!" I was freaking out. He would be here in about 2.5 seconds. I got off the phone with her and waited outside with my family. My grandma who watches too much dateline was convinced charlie was going to be some middle aged creeper who was going to kidnap me. I don't blame her because I would have thought the same thing  if it was my Granddaughter.  I heard a loud screech and I realized it was his brakes. I should have told him that it was easy to miss his turn off. Ooops! I saw his truck emerge around the corner and my heart was about to jump out of my chest. He pulled in and got out of his truck and he was (still is!!) the most handsome guy I had ever seen in my life.