Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Life update

I'm still alive over here! I'm currently sipping coffee, writing this blog post, and helping Em with her lessons. Things have been busy! My uncle came out to visit for Christmas which was amazing! The kids adored him and after he left tucker kept looking out the window and saying that "Unkle Tom iz sweeping". He stayed out in our camp trailer which was super nice for him so he could have his own space. It gets pretty loud up in this house haha!
We went to the coast and it could not have been more beautiful--Sunny and 51. That's unheard of this time of year. I think he got the wrong impression! You need the wind blowing at 50 and rain hitting your face like bullets. That's the true coast experience. 


We also went to Majestic Falls, and it was stunning!! We took the kids there over the summer and figured Uncle Tom would love it. 


We also had a snow storm a few weeks ago! We don't get a ton of snow living in the valley, so the kids really enjoyed it! 


My dad has a tradition where he buys all the grandsons Henry Riffles and he sent Tuckers out right after Christmas so I had to get a picture. My dad mentioned that I'm running him dry with all these boys haha!!

 We happened to be at the light house the same day that Charlie proposed 8 years ago! We had to snap a picture! Tucker looks like hes ready to ship into outer space with that coat haha! It's crazy because we still seem like that couple that got engaged eight years ago. We added a few kids since then, but its only made life more fun!


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