I know, I know. I've been MIA for a few weeks. I had Luke on June 12th and I'm hoping to write up my birth story soon!
Every morning I try and write out a to-do list for the day and this morning, along with laundry (you should see my dining room table right now, its covered in laundry), cleaning the bathroom and Tuckers room, I wrote "Do something fun with the kids". I'm so guilty of writing out a to-do list and just letting the kids do their thing while I do my mine. I don't want them to depend on me for their entertain source because I think them learning to keep themselves busy is a good thing, but trying to get my to-do list done and then stressing out about it while telling them "One more minute" over and over again when they ask me to read them a book isn't the best thing either. This lead me to the idea to just do one fun them with them every day, if I can. I know some days are just plain crazy. I mostly just want to make it a priority to do something fun. Examples: Going on a bike ride, coloring with them, reading them a book, etc. So I thought it would be fun to pick some apples in our back yard and bake an apple pie. So off we go!
Almost there!
Looking inside the bucket
Showing off the apples!
Shes so sweet!
I picked the kids a blackberry.
Tucker was very happy about it!
I set a self-timer and got a picture of all of us!
Cutting up butter for the apple pie crust.
Emily took this picture of me peeling apples and Jake eating them.
And after making the biggest kitchen mess known to man, tucker eating a handful of sugar while I wasn't paying attention, and Emily and Jake eating cinnamon sugar and spreading it all over the counter, we have an apple pie! Oh, and Jake was all offended that we couldn't eat it "now". Being told that you couldn't eat an apple pie before lunch is not cool. Not cool.
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