I've been wanting a raised strawberry planter for awhile. My sister-in-law Nichole has one and I love that her kids are able to go out side and pick them whenever they are in season. I asked Charlie if he could make me one and off to Home-Depot we went! We used cedar fencing since it was cheaper than regular cedar boards and It turned out beautifully!! I'm so in-love with it!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Planting strawberries.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
God gives the growth.
A couple weeks ago I left my bible study feeling defeated. When it came my turn to read what I had on my verses I mumbled my words and felt like I didn't do a very good job explaining. I always want to be someone who is encouraging and I felt like I wasn't. The rest of the bible study I couldn't concentrate and to be honest, I was just letting it get to me. I came home telling Charlie that I felt like I didn't do a very good job and he reassured me that I did and not to worry about it. I decided to give it my all at the next one and was studying like crazy. I started getting all worked up about it (someone didn't listen to their husband). I couldn't figure out what God wanted to me to say and I didn't want to copy notes from someone. I remember telling Charlie that I wanted God to give me what needed to be said, and what would be the most encouraging. He seemed to do it for other people, why couldn't He do it for me I thought?
Hey Y'all
Yesterday was rough, not gonna lie. Charlie left for a three week work trip and we were on day three. When you have a deployment under your...
Every one knows what Cash Bucks are right? If you don't I'll give you the run down: Sometimes Old Navy has deals where you can ear...
Don't let that adorable sleeping bear fool ya. Let me start this story off by saying that I didn't sleep well for two nights...
A little back story about this bedroom. When we first moved in I was pregnant with Emily and I LOVED the bead board in this room. I thoug...
Charlie and I first "talked" when I was 13 and he was 16. He lived in Oregon and I lived all the way across the country in Kentuck...
This kid turned two today! He is such a fun little guy and we are all obsessed with him. He brings so much joy and happiness to our lives ...
A couple weeks ago we had a bible study and I was given James 3 to study. I know that you should be careful with your words and tamin...