Sorry for the radio silence, y'all. Things have been busy over here. November has been a crazy, hectic month. Charlie has been gone off and on the past 6 weeks. Hunting, Vegas work trip, elk hunting, wedding, and then drill weekend. Add a couple colds, mastitis, and kids missing daddy--you have a good time haha! Seriously, it wasn't too bad and we all came out alive and well! I figured I'd give updates on how the kids are.
Luke is 5 months old and is such a sweet, jolly baby. He sleeps very well and the kids adore him. How could you not love that smile? Oh, and we had his well-child check when he was four months and he weighed 18lbs....WOAH.
We just celebrated Tuckers 2nd Birthday a couple days ago. This kid is something else. He has to be the most naughty, adorable kid ever. He has so much personality for someone so small.
Jake is the tenderhearted sweetheart of the group. He is always willing to help someone out and does it so joyfully. He always makes his bed every morning without being asked and enjoys riding in daddy's truck and going hunting.
Emily is doing lessons 5 days a week. She is currently doing reading, writing and math. She really enjoys reading! She is currently in 2nd grade reading and she'll be in first grade math in a few weeks.
That's all I have for now and I hope to write another blog post in a few days!!