Every one knows what Cash Bucks are right? If you don't I'll give you the run down:
Sometimes Old Navy has deals where you can earn Cash Bucks if you spend a certain amount of money online or in the store. I always order Charlies jeans online because he's so tall and most stores don't carry 34/36. I found some nice pairs (they had some GOOD deals) and I ordered them. When they came in the mail I received a cash bucks coupon, and if I spend $50 you get $20 off. I had to wait a few weeks to go since you could only use them during a specific time.
Fast-forward to the day that I could finally use it. I decided to take all four kids with me because what sounds more fun than taking four kids under four to a mall BEFORE lunch, and dragging them through the store and trying on clothes? Nothing. I was feeling brave.
Have you ever had that feeling that you shouldn't go somewhere? Like maybe its not the best idea? I had that feeling AND I ignored it (mistake #1) and went anyway.
I helped get all the kids ready and Jake asked for water right before leaving so in my hurried state (you only have about a five minute span between getting kids shoes on and out the door before it all starts coming off), I gave him a full cup and he guzzled it down. That was mistake #2. I should not have given him that much water. The thing about Jake is that if he drinks a lot of water he will have to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes for at least two hours.
We were out the door and on the way! About half-way there I looked in the review mirror and saw The Dance. You know the potty dance? Where they cant sit still and they are wiggling like crazy? Jake was doing that. He quickly declared "I HAVE TO MAKE POOKIES!!" "Do you have to go RIGHT now? Can you wait 10 minutes?" I said. "NOOOOOO" he replied. Thank God I keep a kids potty in my car. We pulled over and he did his business and I chucked the pookies on the side of the highway. Don't judge me, you do what ya gotta do!
We finally made it. I unbuckled Luke and put him in the front pack and I went around and opened the door where the kids were. I had The Talk about how you don't touch anything without asking and that they need to be the very best kids for mommy. After that speech, I got the rest of them out of the car. I went to the back of car to get the stroller out while giving threats to STAY CLOSE TO THE CAR. I finally got the stroller out and plopped tucker in it. This whole ordeal takes about 15 minutes. Someone really needs to invent a drive-thur grocery store because having to buckle/unbuckle that many kids stops me from going most places. Anyhoo, we made it across the street without anyone getting run over by a car which is a miracle on its own.
When we got to the door the kids started to bicker about who gets to push the handicap button that opens the door. Cause you know its like the coolest thing eva. I FINALLY pushed the button because no body but Mommy gets to push it if there's bickering about it.
I instantly saw some cute tops and started to maneuver the stroller of death (seriously, that thing is nearly impossible to push through those tiny aisles in Old Navy) that direction. I hit a mannequin with the front wheel of the stroller AND I forgot to buckle Tucker in (of course!). He went soaring through the air and fell face first one the floor. He instantly started screaming his head off. At this point I was thankful the mannequin didn't go flying either. I bent down to comfort him and because Luke was in the front pack, I was bending down in a weird position, and he started yelling. We are off to a great start.
I grabbed as many thing as I possibly could and went straight to the dressing room. As I was approaching the dressing room the attendant there looked at me like I was nuts. Because, lets be real, I kinda was. Four kids in a dressing room? Its a little crazy! She gave me the handicap dressing room to fit all of us #igotkids. I maneuvered the stroller of death in there and started trying on clothes. As soon as I had the first outfit on Jake exclaimed, loudly, "I HAVE TO MAKE POOKIES". Now, listen up. When he says that, you have about FIVE minutes before he starts peeing EVERYWHERE. He waits till the last second. "Jake, don't make pookies on yourself. Wait two minutes!" I said as I was trying to take every thing off. He made this sound, almost like a half whine, half panicked sound, and I knew instantly what was happening. He peed on his self <insert crying emoji face>. I pushed the stroller forward and there was a puddle. Not a little puddle, a huge puddle. I didn't know what to do. Do I run out the store as fast as possible? How do I clean this up? The lady that looked at me weird already knows I went in THAT dressing room. She will know my kid peed on the floor. In a hurry to get out the door I didn't bring any extra clothes for the kids (mistake #3). I rummaged through my purse and HALLELUJAH, there was a onesie I had stuffed in there at one point. I wiped it up with the onesie and stuffed it back in my purse and darted out of the dressing room. I was trying my best to not make eye contact with anyone and then the attendant asked me if anything worked and I replied "no" and gave her the clothes.
Here are some tips I learned from this experience:
1.) Never give Jake a whole cup of water to drink before we leave somewhere.
2.) Keep exceptions as low as they can go.
3.) ALWAYS. I REPEAT, ALWAYS bring extra clothes.
4.) Laugh it off because you will either want to cry or laugh and laughing is better!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Cash bucks.
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