I've done this home birth thing three times people. Three times. You would think by now I would just let it happen, trust God, and not get freaked out about the pain. But nope. I get myself in a panic each and every time and God always pulls through because that's how He is and what He does.
So I was two days past my due date and it was 12am. Jake had peed the bed again, so we were up changing his sheets. I was having braxton hicks, as usual, so I just went back to sleep. Around 2-3am something changed and they were starting to get annoying. I got up and took a bath and they didn't stop. Maybe this was the real deal. I was still in denial and told charlie what was going on and tried to lay down to get more sleep. Who knows if its going to be a 24 hour labor or a 2 hour labor. You have to just try and get rest when you can. Laying down was rough, but it was a weird sensation. I could feel the contractions getting closer so I started timing them. They would range from 2 min apart to 6 minutes apart. They were all over the place so I still wasnt sure if it was "it" since I've had this happen for a few hours and then it would all stop. At this point it was 5am and I just couldn't lay down any longer. Charlie and I both got up and he made some cereal while I ate toast.
As Charlie was eating his cereal I had a contraction and the next thing I know I saw this huge flash, and I looked up and Charlie was taking a picture of me. Mid-contraction I said 'What are you doing? I'm having contractions and your flashing a camera in my face. haha" Jokingly he said he didn't know the flash was on and that I'd be glad he had taken it. So I guess this would be my last pregnancy shot.
It's so beautiful, isn't it? haha!
It was now 6am and Charlie talked me into giving Lisa a call to let her know what was up. She told me she could come over now, but I assured her that I wasn't sure yet, so I'd call her when I was. She said that she expects me to go fast, so make sure I do. The thing about my labors is that I chat it up. I'll be talking away, have a contraction, stop, and then start talking again once its gone. I'll do this right up until I'm pushing. During Jakes labor I starting singing in the shower during heavy transition. So yeah. Haha!
Anyway, back to business.... I was having contractions every 2-3 min and it was now 7am. I decided to give Charlies mom a call and ask her to come over and send someone for the kids. We fed them breakfast, and I helped get them dressed between contractions. I would have to stop and lean on things between them, but other than that I felt pretty good. They all showed up around 7:30am and if someone had told me I would be holding a baby in an hour and a half later I would not have believed them. I talked to my sister-in-laws for a bit and they left with the kids. Contractions were picking up and Charlie said "I think we should call Lisa". I told him I was fine and I didn't think it was time. I was starting to feel a little bit pushy, but I didn't really think he was there quite yet. After a couple more contractions with Charlie and my MIL gently telling me that we should call Lisa, I agreed. She showed up around 8:15am and immediately started putting things together. I was looking at them thinking they were CRAZY because I didn't feel like I was about to die yet. Thats when you know you're close. You feel like you're going to die and like your body is ripping apart. I didn't feel like that. I felt pushy so I made my way to the bedroom and sat on the bed. About 5-7 minutes went by and I was like, "Oh great. It stopped" I was started to feel annoyed so I got up and as I was leaning over the counter, I felt him descend and I yelled "I'M PUSHING!!" The midwife came running over and threw something underneath me. I waddled my way to the bedroom and sat on the bed. I felt another one come and got in a good position with Charlie holding me while I was facing Lisa and I pushed. She said "His head is RIGHT there!!" I started crying because I could not believe it. This was really happening. I kept on saying "Thank you Jesus" over and over again. I never once felt overwhelmed or like I couldn't do it, which happened with Emily and Jake. With Emily I told them to take me to the hospital because I was dying. This time I felt more in control and was able to handle it really well, thanks to God.
Anyway, I asked if she had the birth stool and she didn't. So they grabbed one of the kids chairs so I could sit on that and lean back into charlie. I could not get comfortable. I would feel a contraction coming and try to brace myself and I couldn't get into a good position. I was pushing and I said "Can you please break my water!!" I wasn't scared, I just wanted it over with haha! So she grabbed something, broke my water, and his head came out. I heard her mumble something like "See how fast he came out once your water broke..." I reached up for Charlies moms hand and (She is so amazing during my labors. She has been there for all four kids, prayed me through it, knows exactly where to rub your back, etc.) pushed as hard as I could and he was born at 8:59 am.
I couldn't believe it. He was here and FAT! She put him up on my chest and we sat there for a bit while she looked everything over. He looked just like Jake. We clamped the cord and then moved onto the bed. This was my first labor where I didn't feel shaky after ward, and I didn't look pale like I normally do. It was so nice. The after-pains started fairly quickly and I didn't want to mess around so I took some ibuprofen. I just laid in bed and cuddled my little man while everyone sat around and talked for a bit. One of my favorite feelings. Cuddling a brand new baby, every one around me that helped bring him into the world, smiles, yummy food brought to you in bed, its just amazing. We were all so curious how much he weighed and every one took guesses. He outweighed them all at 9lbs 10oz. Only 3 oz less than his brother. Big boy! We are so blessed to add another guy to our family and I couldn't imagine life without him.